Styrelsen i VärmlandsMetanol/ Board of directors

CEO and Board of Directors

The CEO and driving force behind the project is Dr Björn Gillberg who has worked with R & D on gasification technology since 1975 in partnership with Arthur Tamplin, Ph.D., a noted biophysicist (former head of division at the Rand Corporation and Livermore Lawrence Radiation Laboratories, California and the Natural Resource Defense Council, Washington D.C.). Dr Gillberg has also successfully acted as Environmental Controller for two of the largest construction projects ever carried out in Scandinavia (such as the SEK 17 billion Öresunds Bridge between Sweden and Denmark, and the SEK 9 billion project City Tunnel in Malmö, Sweden). Dr Gillberg has received several honorary awards for his long lasting service to the environment such as the IKEA stitching foundation prize. In 1991 he was elected to the UN 500 Global Roll of Honor and in 1999 he received an honorary doctorate at Lund University, Sweden. He has been a member of the board since 2001 when the company was founded. Together with his wife, Marianne, Dr Gillberg owns 47 058 A-shares and controls 94 118 A-shares through the Miljöcentrum Foundation.

VärmlandsMetanol’s Board of Directors can show for an impressive track record. Members have been chosen based on their skills and major accomplishments in different sectors relevant to the project.

Chairman of the Board of Directors is the distinguished Dr. Wollmar Hintze - is a civil engineer with a broad experience as technical consultant and CEO. Between 1986-1997 he worked as CEO for Scandiaconsult Miljöteknik AB and then, 1997-2002, he served as Environment Director for Scandiaconsult Group. In 2002 he took up the position as Environment Director for the SEK 9 billion Citytunnel project in Malmö, Sweden. Dr Hintze acted for many years as an adviser to Tetra Pak related to process technology and environmental issues and today acting as adviser to Swedish industry in issues relating to process technology and environment. He has been member of the board of värmlandsMetanol since 2009 and chairman from 2013. He owns 3 000 B-shares in VärmlandsMetanol.

Other distinguished Members of the Board:

Mr. Sture Sonebrink is an entrepreneur active in the forest industry. Mr Sonebrink is one of the co-founders of VärmlandsMetanol. He is also the owner of one of the largest private forest companies in Sweden. He has been a member of the board since 2001 when the company was founded. Mr. Sonebrink owns personally and through his companies 94 118 A-shares and 6 033 B-shares in VärmlandsMetanol.

Gunnar Westlind is a Construction Engineer. As a 16-year-old he started his practical experience as a bricklayer in the Steel Industry. During this time, he participated in building the last blast furnace for Hagfors Steel works. Since 1967 he has been working in the steel industry at Hagfors Järnverk, Degerfors Järnverk and Bofors AB as project manager in construction engineering. In the last 30 years Gunnar has worked as a Consultant for Tyréns, Viak, Imak and Scandiaconsult. Currently he is a Senior Consultant Manager at Structor AB in Örebro.
His long Consulting experience also include expert advice for the plant development and feasibility studies for VärmlandsMetanols. He personally owns 811 B-shares in VärmlandsMetanol and 811 B-shares through Viby Invest AB.

Updated 2022-09-06